What To Do When Your Car Breaks Down?

2 min readFeb 8, 2021


Being in an untimely breakdown in the middle of the highway can leave you helpless and stranded.

A car breakdown can be very frustrating and also dangerous, especially if you are in the middle of the road. Therefore, here is a simple guide on what you can do when faced with a car breakdown.

1. Remain Calm and safety first

Do not panic and start swerving to the side of the road abruptly or without signalling, you should find a safe place to stop. If you are on the highway, park in the far-left lane and keep as left as possible. However, if you find your car breaking down in the middle of the road, find an appropriate spot to park to limit the congestion to the traffic.

2. Signal and inform others

Turn on your hazard lights to warn other drivers that you might be there for some time and once you are done with that, place your vehicle breakdown sign at an appropriate distance behind your car to inform incoming vehicles. If you do not have a breakdown triangle sign, you can use a pail, box or even leave your boot open.

Photo Credits (Car From Japan)

3. Call for help

Be visible once you’ve placed your breakdown sign. If you are on the expressway, you should stand behind the Vehicle Impact Guard (VIGs) and if you are on a road, stand on the pavement.

You can easily call for roadside assistance or towing services using the UDrivers application. In any unfortunate event of a breakdown, you may find emergency contacts such as the AA 24-hour Roadside Assistance Service hotline and some of the other towing or tyre services hotlines under the SOS section of the application.

Photo Credits (Ed’s Auto Repair & Towing | Towing | Lebanon, TN)

Keep calm when faced with a break down in the future because you can be sure of what to do!





UDRIVERS is a mobile application created for all Singapore Motorist that improve the efficiency in communicating & sourcing for a workshop for your vehicle.

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