Understanding vehicle lay-up in Singapore

3 min readJul 9, 2021


If you are not going to use your vehicle for an extended period of time, you can choose to lay up your vehicle. Besides saving on the road tax, you also do not need to buy motor insurance for that vehicle.

What is vehicle lay-up?

Laying up your vehicle means it cannot be used on the road and must be parked at a declared garage address. Your vehicle can be parked at an HDB multi-storey carpark or private housing address you declared in your application. Your vehicle COE will continue to tick down while the vehicle is laid up, and therefore you need a valid COE.

How long can you lay up your vehicle?

The lay-up duration is up to 1 year per application and can only be laid up consecutively for a maximum of 3 years.

Preferential Additional Registration Fee (PARF) cars

PARF cars refer to cars that are still using original Certificates of Entitlement (COE), not renewed COE. PARF cars have to request approval from LTA before submitting the lay-up application. However, do note that once you lay up a PARF car, it will NOT be eligible for any PARF rebates.

How to lay up your vehicle?

There are 2 ways to lay up your vehicle. Firstly, you can use SingPass/CorpPass. You will need to provide your vehicle’s parking address, lay-up start date, a valid credit/debit card, and any supporting documents as required. Each application costs $17.12.

Secondly, for those without a SingPass/CorpPass, you can lay up your vehicle at the LTA customer service centre. You will need to bring the completed application form that can be found here. You will also need the registered owner’s identification documents, any required supporting documents, and a payment of $17.12. Appointments are required and you can make one by writing into www.lta.gov.sg/feedback.

You can cancel an approved lay-up application for your vehicle before the start of the lay-up period. Each cancellation cost $32.10. However, cancellation of lay-up is not allowed once the lay-up period for the vehicle has started.

If you have any changes to your garage address, update it as soon as possible via SingPass/CorpPass, or through an application form or at the LTA Customer Service Centre if you have no access to SingPass/CorpPass. Do remember to prepare supporting documents as proof of your new approved garage address.

How to drive your laid-up vehicle again?

Before hitting the road again, you need to make sure you meet the road tax renewal prerequisites and pay your road tax. Next, make sure your car is fully insured if not do get a quotation from UDRIVERS.

If your vehicle requires an inspection to meet the road tax renewal prerequisites, you must tow your vehicle to the inspection centre as it cannot be driven on the road.





UDRIVERS is a mobile application created for all Singapore Motorist that improve the efficiency in communicating & sourcing for a workshop for your vehicle.

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